Japanese Millet, when used in food plots, attracts a wide variety of wildlife including deer, ducks, quail, and dove. This millet seed is used most in food plots for ducks as it does well in areas that are wet and can be flooded at maturity to make a duck pond. It is the most rapid growing of all millets producing ripe grain in 45 days after seeding. The growth habit of this annual grass is an erect plant 2-4' tall. The seed spikes are brownish to purple and are on each side of each branch. Japanese Millet may be grown as a forage grass. This millet should be planted as a pure stand field crop. It resembles barnyard grass and may have originated from it, that is why some people call it Barnyard Millet. Japanese Millet is usually grown as a late season grass. Plant April-September. Planting Rate: 25-35 lbs. per acre broadcast; 20 lbs. per acre drilled. Planting Depth: 1/4".